Image noise can compromise the level of detail in your digital or film photos, and so reducing this noise can greatly enhance your final image or print. The problem is that most techniques to reduce or remove noise always end up softening the image as well. Some softening may be acceptable for images consisting primarily of smooth water or skies, but foliage in landscapes can suffer with even conservative attempts to reduce noise.
Image averaging works on the assumption that the noise in your image is truly random. This way, random fluctuations above and below actual image data will gradually even out as one averages more and more images. If you were to take two shots of a smooth gray patch, using the same camera settings and under identical conditions (temperature, lighting, etc.), then you would obtain images similar to those shown on the left.NOISE & DETAIL COMPARISON
The next example illustrates the effectiveness of image averaging in a real-world example. The following photo was taken at ISO 1600 on the Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel, and suffers from excessive noise.100% Crop of Regions on the Left | |||
Original | 2 Images | 4 Images | |
Original | 2 Images | 4 Images | Neat Image | Median Filter |
Noise reduction with Neat Image Pro Plus 4.5 uses default settings and "auto fine-tune"
Original | Averaging: 4 Images | Neat Image | Neat Image + Averaging |
Noise reduction with Neat Image Pro Plus 4.5 uses default settings and "auto fine-tune"
Performing image averaging in Adobe Photoshop is relatively quick using layers. The idea is to stack each image in a separate layer, and have them blend together such that each layer contributes equally. If for some reason one layer receives more weighting than another, the blending of images will not be as effective.One must first load all images into Photoshop which are to be averaged, and then copy and past each image on top of each other so that they are all within the same project window. Once this is done, the averaging can begin. The key to averaging in Photoshop is to remember that each layer's opacity determines how much the layer behind it is "let through," and the same goes for each image underneath. This means that to properly average four images, for example, one should not set each layer's opacity to 25%. One should instead set the bottom (or background) layer's opacity to 100%, the layer on top of that to 50%, and then the next layer to 33%, and finally the top layer to 25%. This is illustrated below:
For averaging any number of images, each layer's percent opacity is calculated by: All markings in red have been added for clarity; they will not actually be visible in Photoshop. |
When should one perform image averaging, as opposed to just taking a longer exposure at a lower ISO speed? The following list of situations may all prove useful:- To avoid excessive fixed-pattern noise from long exposures
- For cameras which do not have a "bulb mode," you may be limited to 15-30 second exposures. For such cases, consider the following: taking two shots at ISO 800 and 30 seconds to produce the rough equivalent (both in brightness and noise levels) of a single 60 second exposure at ISO 400. Many other combinations are possible...
- For situations where you cannot guarantee interruption-free exposures beyond a given time. As an example, one might be taking a photo in a public place and want low noise, but cannot take a long enough exposure because pedestrians often pass through the shot. You could then take several short shots in between passers-by.
- To selectively freeze motion in low detail, faster moving areas while still retaining low noise in high detail, slower moving areas. An example of this is a starry night with foliage in the foreground.
- To reduce shadow noise (even in low ISO shots) where you wish to later bring out shadow detail through post-processing.
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